Maps of Meaning  cover

I've added a wiki page for Maps of Meaning with lots more notes.

“Had dinner with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin earlier tonight. Coldplay right now in Toronto…” - JBP, August, 2017.

Of course you did. You’re Jordan B. Peterson. No explanation needed. None given. // Seriously though, wtf? I guess it's time to start reading me some JBP. I only have this copy of Maps of Meaning for another week. It’s priced like a textbook online, so I had to grab it from the library where people are queued up waiting for the next copy to be returned. The book is twenty years old but it seems to contain a lot of the theories JBP has been touring around the internets lately. No wonder he’s able to go into beast mode or rant for twenty minutes without breathing; He’s been sharpening these ideas like a master swordsman for years and years.

Little Idiot cover

In the nineties, Moby released a punk rock album called Animal Rights. Snuck inside some copies was an extra disc of ambient music - a sonic soother to pacify the ravers who were traumatized by the sound of guitars. I tossed the punk record after one listen but have always held on to Little Idiot. A lot of ambient music relies on the space between sounds to create atmosphere. Moby went in the other direction, building a wall of sound. A timeless gem.
(Little Idiot on YouTube)

Man and His Symbols cover

I'm working on a project called the Hyper Sutra which deals with opposites and transcendence. And there's just no way of exploring any of that without falling into the vortex that is Carl Jung. I didn't know where to start so I grabbed Man and His Symbols and a volume of The Collected Works. If there's a better way into all of this, let me know. I thought his writing would be an impenetrable fortress of academic blah blah blah. It isn't. Jung lays out big ideas with precision. But he also seems to state opinion as fact so you can't sleepwalk through this stuff.

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